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Nature's Protection 狗糧 低脂全犬配方 雞+魚 Light 12kg (WA2912K)

價格: $476$560
訂購數量: 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 減少 寵物用品 貓糧貓砂狗糧狗尿墊 至抵至齊 - 增加
規格: 4kg 12kg


Nature's Protection 狗糧 低脂全犬配方 雞+魚 Light 12kg (WA2912K)


Light - 低脂配方



- 含有 MircoZeoGen 有助排出身體毒素、調節腸道健康、增強自身免疫力
- 奧米加6 和 3脂肪酸、使動物的皮膚和毛髮更健康
- 提供均衡營養及比一般成犬產品脂肪含量少 35 %
- 含左旋肉鹼(L-Carnitine)能有效控制體重及刺激脂肪的新陳代謝
- 礦物質有助於清潔牙齒、保持牙齦健康及口氣清新


雞肉,大米,大麥,玉米,動物脂肪,紅菜頭,豌豆粉,亞麻子,天然火山礦物(MicroZeoGen 1%)菊苣提取物,甘露寡糖,L-肉鹼(100毫克/公斤),金盞花粉,絲蘭提取物,維生素A,維生素D3,維生素E,鐵,碘,銅,錳,鋅,硒,L-左旋肉鹼,迷迭香提取物,天然來源的維生素E。

蛋白質 - 21%,原油和脂肪 - 10%,礦物質 - 5%,纖維 - 2.5%,鈣 - 0.8%,磷 - 0.7%,鉀 - 0.6%,鈉 - 0.3%,奧米加3 - 0.208%,奧米加6 - 1.685%。

Nature's Protection 的貓糧狗糧配方皆由獸醫和營養專家製作,提供均衡的營養配方,包含左旋肉鹼,有助燃燒脂肪、控制體重及強化肌肉。Nature's Protection 在其出產的貓糧狗糧中更添加名爲 MicroZenGen 的天然礦物質成分,有效去除寵物體內的毒素、重金屬、氨;提高營養的吸收和加強寵物免疫系統。Nature's Protection 品牌最為知名及暢銷的系列為針對貓狗淚痕問題而出品的 Superior Care 系列的貓糧狗糧,可改善貓狗眼部健康及長期淚痕問題。

- Specially formulated for dogs with a tendency to put on weight or for dogs with reduced activity level.

-100% complete and balanced formula with 35% less fat than the average adult product.

-With a meat based protein source (chicken) as first ingredient.

-The careful selection of carbohydrate sources result in satiety without decreasing the nutritional value through “bulk filling”.

- Sources of omega 6 and 3 fatty acids maintain a lustrous coat while loosing weight.

- Contains L-Carnitine to stimulate fat turnover and metabolism.


poultry meat 35% (dried and finely ground), rice, sorghum, barley, maize, poultry fat, krill meal (min. 4%), sugar beet pulp, peas, linseed, dynamic micronized clinoptilolite (1%), brewer’s yeast, chicory extract, mannano-oligosaccharides (MOS), marigold meal, yucca extract.

PetChill HK 寵物用品速遞 貓糧 狗糧 Royal Canin CIAO Wellness 正版正貨 HK Pet Shop